Whatever it is, Statice has the workshop to make all the difference.

Our Most Popular Workshops

  • The Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team

    Looking for ways to build and strengthen trust within your team? We’re not saying it’s easy—but we are saying The Five Behaviors can get you there. You’ll learn to build more trust, engage in healthy conflict, commit to shared goals, hold each other accountable and focus on collective results to achieve goals.

    Learn more on our partner page.

  • Building Trust as a Business Strategy

    Trust is the foundation of the greatest teams. Period. Trust is essential in any kind of team, whether we are talking about an individual department, cross-organizational teams who come together for a project, or a business-client relationship. We’ll walk through the four trusting behaviors that will help teams be more prone to innovation, productive conflict and debate about ideas, and have fun working together.

  • Work of Leaders: Vision, Alignment & Execution

    The work that leaders do —the work that really matters— is boiled down to three areas: crafting a vision, building alignment, and championing execution. Vision, Alignment, and Execution are “magic words.” They strike a chord that turns the goal of leadership into tangible steps.

  • 5 Ways to Be More Influential & Drive Positive Outcomes

    Influence is an essential leadership skillset. This workshop explores five distinct influencing styles —Rationalizing, Asserting, Negotiating, Inspiring, and Bridging— while sharing those situations each style works best in and when that style may be ineffective. Bonus: you’ll learn tips to access all five styles and when to use them!

  • Quieting Your Inner Critic

    How does your inner critic show up in your life? How does it impact your self regard? If your go-to thought is “I'm not good enough” or “I’m going to fail”, you’ll learn how your thoughts may get in your way and take home best practices to quiet the voice in your head that unfairly causes you to doubt yourself.

  • Creating a Feedback Strategy

    Say the word “feedback” and what springs to mind? Maybe it’s “They won’t like me.” or “I don’t have time for this!” But hold up, those thoughts could be holding you back. So, let’s tackle those fears and learn how to give and receive feedback like a pro!

  • Writing to Create Connection & Results

    Get ready to create a communications roadmap that will allow you to build a connection to get the results you want from others. We’ll discuss Conversational IQ and the ORSON method, two well-known methods that will help you create a connection with your reader to get the results you want.

  • Maximizing Your Communication Potential: Best Practices and Techniques

    Your communication style can have a significant impact on your personal brand, team dynamics, and organizational effectiveness. Drawing from established best practices such as “Talking on Eggshells,” you’ll learn how to create a conversation that fosters connection to get the results you want. Discover tips and techniques for addressing conflict and networking.

  • Enhancing Communication in the Work Place Working Effectively Using PACE Palette

    What comes to mind when I say the word “collaboration”? If your go-to thought is “it's just easier if I go it alone”, you’ll learn how identifying and knowing differing styles of temperament between co-workers will help you increase productivity and enhance communication.

  • Game Changing Traits

    What’s the one trait, if you tapped into it more often, would be a game changer?

    In this highly interactive workshop, you’ll get a list of the top traits of the best leaders, you’ll self rate, and discuss which characteristic has the potential to positively impact you and your team if you embrace it moving forward. We’ll also discuss leadership derailers and discuss which one(s) resonate with you and what you’re going to do about it.

  • Managing Up

    Are you ready to discover the significance of trust and how it can strengthen your bond with your manager or leader? You’ll learn how competence, sincerity, reliability, and a “we’re in this together” mindset will cultivate your relationship with your boss. Why is this important? Harvard Business Review reports that cultivating a strong relationship with your boss is the initial step to securing future success in your organization.

  • Creating the Next Best Version of Your Team

    What does it take to build a collaborative and high-performing team? It starts with building a team alliance, then discussing challenges and how you will hold each other accountable. We will be focusing a lot on communication and trust, which are important foundations to great work and great relationships.

  • Shifting from Workplace Politics to Political Intelligence

    It’s no longer enough for leaders to have just IQ and EQ. These days, successful leaders also must have political intelligence (PQ). We’ll discuss what would change if you managed workplace politics with a new PQ mindset, and how to approach workplace challenges with a “how do I want to play this?” approach.

  • Managing Projects for Success

    “Up Your Game” in Delegating, Empowering, and Setting Expectations for Project Success!

    Are you ready to take your project management skills to the next level? Follow our step-by-step strategy to perfect client management, task prioritization, and accountability. Get ready to unleash your team’s full potential and achieve new heights of success!

“Kathy Shanley is a subject-matter expert who generates compelling content and presentations.”
—Jennifer Baker
Sr. Director, Business Solutions
ASAE: The Center for Association Leadership